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TESTIMONIALS about Brenda Zamorano


From Karen, "Prior to meeting Brenda at Hope In Life Ministry, I lived in a completely overwhelmed state.  Although I have so much to be thankful for, and I am so thankful for it, I had this unexplainable emptiness inside of me.  I love the Lord with all of my heart and soul and live every day for Him, I just thought, “Dear God, there has to be more.”  Often times I would find myself trying to give more of myself to things that I thought would please God, to find out that not only did I still have that emptiness inside of me, but now I was more overwhelmed than before.  I was at the end of myself…and I knew it.


A dear friend of mine had been telling me the amazing progress that she was having by meeting with this prayer counselor in Folsom.  I just longed to be able to meet with someone like that, but where would I ever find the time?  One day I just knew that I needed something else and I called to set up a time to meet with Brenda.  My heart knew it was the right thing, but my mind didn’t know how I was going to make that happen.  I own two businesses and prior to meeting with Brenda, wondered sometimes if they owned me.  There just had to be more!


My first appointment with Brenda I said to her, I’m here for my kids.  She looked at me and asked, “Do you mind if we work on you first?”  Do something for myself?  I am a mom, a wife, a business owner, a coach, serve on many boards, volunteer in my kids’ school, serve everyone but myself, how on earth could I justify doing something for me?  The way the Lord cut through all of my thoughts and spoke directly to my heart in that first appointment with Brenda, I knew I was in the right place. 


Since starting to meet with Brenda and watching the Lord speak through her every other week, my life has changed dramatically.  I no longer live in an overwhelmed state, the Lord has identified things in me that I would have NEVER identified in myself that drastically had to change.  We serve a very merciful God!  I am like an onion and each appointment, the Lord peels back more and more layers.  I know why I had that emptiness…it didn’t need to be filled by works or things, it was my longing for the Love of our Heavenly Father that I was unaware of.  Because of the situation in my own family with my own earthly father, I would not open myself up to the LOVE of Christ in fear of rejection that would come from that!  I don’t feel empty anymore!  Praise Jesus!


I have learned many things through this journey, and it is just that, a journey.   But one of my favorite things I have learned is that the Lord is taking the person that I made me to be and turning me into the person that He intended for me to be.  I don’t know where I would be in my life if it weren’t for the dedication and commitment of Hope In Life Ministry to take me out of myself and place me gently in the Lord’s arms.  I am forever grateful and so excited to see what the Lord still has in store.  To God be ALL the Glory!  God bless all of you at Hope In Life Ministry!" 




From Heidi, "Last year one of our pastors recommended Hope In Life Ministry Biblical Prayer Counseling to our family. Our teen daughter struggled with anxiety, which led to poor performance in school and anger issues. From the moment my daughter and I sat down with Brenda, we knew we were going to experience God’s healing in a very real and powerful way. Brenda invited me to sit in with my daughter for the first few sessions to understand the process and to help communicate the family dynamics. During those sessions, the Holy Spirit began to reveal to me that I had deep fears within my own heart that were affecting my relationship with God and my family. We agreed that I, too, would begin the counseling process.


Over the next several months, my daughter and I continued to see Brenda together and separately. Each session was profoundly challenging and encouraging as Brenda, guided by the Holy Spirit, asked questions that revealed deep strongholds based on years of false beliefs and lies. Brenda spoke God’s grace and truth into my heart and soul, and I began to truly heal.


Jesus has done remarkable things in our family through Hope In Life Ministry Biblical Prayer Counseling. Today, I’m free from so many of the lies I once believed, and my relationship with my daughter has improved greatly. We know that we are for each other and that God is for us. We don’t have to be victim to conflict and struggle. We have learned how to surrender to the Holy Spirit and to walk in truth. Our fears have been replaced by a deeper level of faith, which has created more peace in our home. Our daughter has noticeably improved in her schoolwork and is gaining confidence in who she is in Christ.


I believe God will continue to produce fruit in our family that is a result from what we learned at Hope In Life Ministry. We highly recommend this ministry and know that whoever goes through this process will experience a transformed life."




From Pastor John, "I have been a Christian and in church leadership for over thirty years of ministry as a lay leader and a pastor.  I love ministering to God's people and reaching the lost for Christ.  It is my belief that Christians are to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ because we have the ministry of reconciliation, and to all on the outside, I was doing a wonderful job.  However, at home, it was a different story.


My wife and I have been married for almost forty years, but our relationship as husband and wife for the past nine years was dying.  We hardly talked and when we did everything was lost in translation.  I would yell and she would blame, so I would go into another room.  She stopped talking and our intimate relationship was nonexistent.  We became nothing more than roommates.  Sunday mornings we would put on our Christian face and give our Christian greetings, but my marriage was in desparate need of help.  Fortunately, through God's grace we found help through Hope In Life Ministry.


My wife decided to seek help for our struggling marriage and was referred to one of the Biblical Prayer Counselors, Brenda Zamorano at Hope In Life Ministry.  After my wife had a few prayer sessions with Brenda, she invited me to join one of the sessions.  At that session, Brenda spoke to the core of our condition and helped us to see how we were relating to one another out of fear.  I then decided to start my own biblical counseling session with Brenda.  Through our counseling sessions, she helped me realize how fear was controlling me and how I used fear to control those close to me.  We decided to put in the work to see our marriage become what God intended it to be.  I can truly say that our marriage is much better. 


May God richly bless Brenda and Hope In Life Ministry for many changed lives and many years to come."








"...On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us."  (2 Corinthians 1:10  NIV) 

**HOPE IN LIFE MINISTRY Biblical Prayer Counselors are not licensed psychologists or professionals.  We do not diagnose or give medical advice, and our services do not include immediate crisis intervention. 



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