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Hope In Life
**Important Note:
We offer in-person, Zoom and telephone sessions through our Folsom and Rocklin offices.
Call us at 1-844-NOW HOPE ext. 0
(1-844-669-4673) to schedule an appointment.
Sandra Roberts
Sacramento and Rocklin, California Offices
1-844-NOW HOPE ext. 3
Sandra and her husband, Richard Roberts are Co-Founders with Brenda Zamorano of Hope In Life Ministry. They also serve as the Administrators of Hope In Life Ministry.
Since 1996, both Sandra and Richard have sat on several pastoral teams and helped plant four churches. Their hearts have always been to minister wherever God placed them. In 2002, they Founded Richard and Sandra Roberts Ministries, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, which is the covering for Hope In Life Ministry.
Sandra also serves as a Biblical Prayer Counselor in the Sacramento and Rocklin offices. God has worked through her to counsel with people of all ages from children to adults since 1990. She conducted a Bible Study for two years in the California State Capitol and often met in the Minority Senate Leader's office.
In addition, Sandra is a published author and a national and international lecturer. She writes children's books, devotionals and bible studies.
1-844-NOW HOPE ext. 3

"Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of his purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised, he confirmed it with an oath. God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope set before us may be greatly encouraged. We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure..." Hebrews 6:17-19 (NIV)
"...On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us." (2 Corinthians 1:10 NIV)
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